Friday, April 12, 2013

Disney Princess's Say SPRING!

Unfortunately I live in the great state of Minnesota. We have about two inches of snow where I am, and it is April. I HATE THIS! I figured out that I had my paper dolls with me from forever ago, so I dressed all the princesses up in their spring outfits, and pinned them to my corkboard.

My hope is, that by the Disney Princesses getting all dressed for Spring, that it will actually show up. Can't hurt me for trying right?

Belle is in a nice spring green and a sun hat to match. Cinderella went with a lighter pink and purple, while Snow stuck to her red color. Jasmine is in orange, Aurora in daisy green and yellow, and Ariel is in blue and purple with seashell detailing.

Spring...where are you? Also...I would love a Rapunzel, and Tiana paper doll to add to this collection but I'm afraid I haven't found that yet.

I love the Disney Princess outfits. They really are very pretty...some of these dresses I would wear myself.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Cleaning Tips for College Dorms

This is a sort of cleaning tip for those of you college freshman just starting out in your first dorm!! I consider myself a good person to write this, because I've lived in two different dorms in the past two years. When you are a college freshman and you've just been accepted and you're going to go live in a dorm, you will probably have a roommate.

Now the college will make sure that you have a roommate agreement. This is stuff like "when are you gonna turn the tv off so I can go to bed?" and whose stuff is whose and what not. It's really simple though. If you talk to your roommate, just tell them that you'll be courteous of their sleeping habits as long as their courteous of yours, and never take anything from the fridge that is not yours without asking. It is very simple. Just be polite and try to keep your side of the room clean. There is nothing more embarrassing than having a cleanly roommate who brings people over and your side is a mess.

A dorm is not a huge area. It's very small and unless you know the dimensions of the room and have figured out whether or not a futon will fit, don't buy a futon the first year. It isn't worth it. First of all if you don't talk to your roommate before hand, you won't know if both of you will be bringing a futon and that would just be a disaster. There may be room for one futon in a double dorm room..but there most certainly is not room for two. Secondly, a dorm door may not always fit certain futons. Just keep that in mind.

I mentioned the futon because if you don't bring one, it's less stuff to take home at the end of the year, AND less stuff means less clean up. Make a list of stuff you NEED before stuff you don't need. Girls, this means DON"T pack the designer purses, and the 50 billion shoes. And don't pack the decorations either. Your parents can bring that stuff up later, or if you have a car you can get it later yourself.

Move in day is a bitch. I mean that, I really do. People everywhere, it's usually pretty warm and you end up sitting on your stuff in the grass for awhile usually anyway. When you get to your dorm, it's going to be pretty basic and empty looking. You will probably have a desk with a corkboard. A dresser if you're lucky, half of a closet, some storage space, a bed that's raised and a desk chair.

However, take a closer look. Chances are this room hasn't been cleaned all summer. The floor is filled with dust and dirt, the window is probably pretty dirty and none of the furniture is gonna be in very good shape. TAKE NOTE OF THIS!! You will get a piece of paper asking you what's wrong with the room. WRITE DOWN EVERY LITTLE THING YOU SEE or you will BE CHARGED for it at the end of the year.

That being said, when you clean it. You are going to need a broom. (most dorms are tile, not carpet) You can probably rent a broom at the front desk of your dorm, but they're not going to have very many. Buy one. This way you don't have to go back and forth from your dorm to the front desk all the time, and you'll have a broom when you're ready to go out on your own for real.

The first thing you should do to start cleaning your dorm, is dust. Wipe down everything with a wet washcloth or I like to use Lysol Disinfecting Wipes. If you do buy the wipes, make sure that they're safe to use on wood. Some disinfecting wipes can bleach things and that isn't good. You don't want to damage the dorm.

The next thing you should do is sweep. Pull the furniture away from the wall and make sure you get it all because all that stuff is probably not gonna be good for your breathing air.  Plus it's just nice to have a clean floor.

After you sweep, you're gonna want to vacuum, especially if you do have a futon or a rug. Crumbs on a futon for instance can be vacuumed up with a vacuum hose, and that way you don't have to sweep them onto the floor and have to sweep again. Don't think you won't eat in your room, because you will. I'd consider a small coffee table in order to have some kind of table besides your desk to eat.

In some dorms, there are sinks. Lysol Disinfecting wipes can be used to wipe them down in order to clean them up, and I'd use Windex on the mirrors in your room as well as your windows.

Make sure that if you have a toaster or a microwave or fridge that you clean out the insides of these maybe once a month. A microwave that is not clean can start to smell like burnt popcorn all the time and may burn your food or not cook it right. Just wipe the inside down with a wet soapy paper towel and make sure to wash the microwave plate too. A toaster should have a little switch at the bottom. When your making your toast and it starts to really smell up the dorm, make sure to open your window and then clean your toaster. Empty it of the crumbs in the bottom and tap its side while you're doing this so the crumbs that are stuck in the toaster will come out too and don't forget to do this above a garbage can.

You really don't want to get the munchies in the middle of the night and then have the fire alarm go off so those two things should be cleaned at least once a month.

Try to keep your dorm organized...the littlest things can make it messier than it actually is. Just pick up every day or every couple of days and you should be good. And don't forget to take the garbage out when it gets full or when you have food in it. That stuff shouldn't be sitting there for days.

And my last suggestion...try to do laundry at least twice a month...especially your bedding and underwear. It's nice to have clean underwear, trust me.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Tolkien and the Prequel

Warning: If you have not yet seen The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, there are spoilers in this video!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Anime Detour Freak Out!!


Anime Detour is only two weeks away and I'm freaking out!!! I think I have everything...I mean I'm pretty sure I have everything...AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is when I usually start to freak out...okay? So, I'm not diagnosed, but I'm very sure that I have a nervous anxiety disorder...really I am. I get nervous about things that other people don't even think about half the time. An example? Well...let's see...when I go out with my friends or family I pray (and I mean this I actually do pray in my head) that they do not pick somewhere to go that I have never been to. I am so terrified of just getting out of the car and walking into a new building and I do not even know why. Because, I will tell you, that I have been to new places and I have liked new places! I really have! I enjoy finding new shops and new restaurants, but I hate the process of actually walking into them.

I go on vacation and almost get sick at the thought of being anywhere but my hotel room. Yes, I said get sick. My stomach becomes knots and I have a hard time breathing slowly and well...nervous anxiety, that's all I can say.

I mentioned this because when I plan for something that I'm really excited for, I always freak out on myself. I'm nervous that the room won't be ready. I'm nervous that I won't have everything, I'm nervous because my hair situation isn't figured out yet and my hair does NOT cooperate with me when it is important.

Anime Detour is the funnest thing I do all year. It's like my birthday/Christmas and well...just anything fun wrapped up all together in a big sailor moon bow!!!

Which is my cosplay for this year. Sailor Moon. I'm not actually too happy with it. My wig is being tampered with as of right now and I don't know if it will be done on time. If it isn't I need to get my hair cut so I can just do my hair like hers, and if it is, I'm not sure I'll be able to hide all of my hair underneath it.

That and I have a round face. I'm not really FAT but I'm not exactly bone skinny either. I'm 21 years old and people ask me if I enjoy highschool still -.-u. I have a very round young looking face. Which is annoying. But it might work in my favor...after all I'm being Sailor Moon first generation..and she was 14 at the yeah...I think it'll be okay?

Now usually when I'm freaking out like this...I figure stuff out by time guides. Writing down the time and then writing down everything I need to get done within that time frame. However, that isn't just the case. I also need a list of what I'm gonna need for Cosplay, the dance at detour, the party rooms, comfy clothes for the ride there and back, and regular stuff for sleeping and being clean. PLUS the money, my cell phone, the's just a big medieval mess!! (10 points if you got that Disney reference)

And usually I just write down the lists...but lately I feel that when I write them out, it's too messy and gross looking. So I've been trying to find some websites that allow you to make lists...BUT they're all to do lists or bucket lists!! That isn't what I need!!

The internet is infinite and I can't even get a template for a regular list. How sad is that.

Well..that's my anime detour rant. Moving on to the next thing! 

Friday, April 5, 2013

Episode II

So, Episode don't worry, no such thing as Jar Jar Binks in my blog. Today, I spent two hours staring at a research paper trying to read it and edit it for one of my classmates. We were supposed to have at least 22 pages done, he had 4 1/2 pages. I had 23, which I got done last night...and due to circumstances with printers being shitty, I had to wait until this morning to print it. For those of you who do not like reading, writing, or not become a history major. My head feels as though it is about to explode.

At the moment, I am playing facebook games. You know those seek and find games? Yeah, I'm addicted at the moment. Especially to this one called Relic Quest...I like it because you get to create your own museum as you play the game, and since I want to work in a museum, I figure it's great practice.  (That's a joke by the way, I realize a game cannot even come close)

This post belongs in the college file. For those of you who are in college, here's a little treat...

This website will get you to those extra words, or pages you need. Every 100 words you write, you will get a new picture of an adorable kitten. Incentive enough don't you think? 

For those of you who have not yet begun college, or are thinking about it, I suggest college. It's fun and the first few years are pretty tame. And don't be afraid that you don't know what you want to go have lots of time to actually think about it. Lots of people will try to rush you...don't listen to them. You've got time, think about it for a little while. I did not decide what I was going to do with college until after the first two years of college, and it still worked out for a 4 year degree.

For those of you who are in Nursing school...I commend you and wish you the heartiest of luck and prayer. You people are crazy and sleep deprived and honorable. However glad you may be that you are not having to write 22 page papers, I am glad that I do not have to go through all the stress of clinicals.

That's all the advice I have for now.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Episode 1

Hello all. Well..some I suppose. This is a new blog after all. For right now, my name is Bri, and I am an addict of several things. I wanted to start a blog, but I didn't want this blog to be boring for other people, and I wanted to come up with something that a lot of people like, and I started writing down ideas and brainstorming and I just couldn't pick one overall theme for this blog, so it's just gonna be a bunch of ideas crammed together and fighting to win. The title came to me, because actually a lot of this blog is gonna be dealing with films, cartoons, and basically movie stuff in general so a play on Star Wars seemed to be a good idea. As I said this blog is made up of several ideas so here are the categories!!

There will be a Disney blog, in which I will share my opinion of most of the Disney films or cartoons, and this one will be quite large as I have an unwavering addiction to all that is Disney.

There will be an anime blog! This blog will feature the years worth of stuff I go through before heading to Anime Detour, which is the Anime Convention that I go to every year. It will also feature random Anime things that I'd like to have or have an opinion on.

There will be a movie blog!! This one will focus on everything movies. Especially if it is one of my favorites. That's all you need to know for now.

There will be an opinion blog. I am a Christian, and what that means to me may not be what it means to other people, so I just want to rant sometimes about my beliefs, and if you don't like it, then don't look at this blog. Simple.

There will be a book blog! Though I don't know how often I'll put things into this category. Still! It's nice to talk about books. 

And finally, or for right now, a college blog. This one will be dealing with what kind of classes I'm going through and it may even have some tips for those of you who procrastinate and know who you are.