Monday, April 8, 2013

Anime Detour Freak Out!!


Anime Detour is only two weeks away and I'm freaking out!!! I think I have everything...I mean I'm pretty sure I have everything...AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is when I usually start to freak out...okay? So, I'm not diagnosed, but I'm very sure that I have a nervous anxiety disorder...really I am. I get nervous about things that other people don't even think about half the time. An example? Well...let's see...when I go out with my friends or family I pray (and I mean this I actually do pray in my head) that they do not pick somewhere to go that I have never been to. I am so terrified of just getting out of the car and walking into a new building and I do not even know why. Because, I will tell you, that I have been to new places and I have liked new places! I really have! I enjoy finding new shops and new restaurants, but I hate the process of actually walking into them.

I go on vacation and almost get sick at the thought of being anywhere but my hotel room. Yes, I said get sick. My stomach becomes knots and I have a hard time breathing slowly and well...nervous anxiety, that's all I can say.

I mentioned this because when I plan for something that I'm really excited for, I always freak out on myself. I'm nervous that the room won't be ready. I'm nervous that I won't have everything, I'm nervous because my hair situation isn't figured out yet and my hair does NOT cooperate with me when it is important.

Anime Detour is the funnest thing I do all year. It's like my birthday/Christmas and well...just anything fun wrapped up all together in a big sailor moon bow!!!

Which is my cosplay for this year. Sailor Moon. I'm not actually too happy with it. My wig is being tampered with as of right now and I don't know if it will be done on time. If it isn't I need to get my hair cut so I can just do my hair like hers, and if it is, I'm not sure I'll be able to hide all of my hair underneath it.

That and I have a round face. I'm not really FAT but I'm not exactly bone skinny either. I'm 21 years old and people ask me if I enjoy highschool still -.-u. I have a very round young looking face. Which is annoying. But it might work in my favor...after all I'm being Sailor Moon first generation..and she was 14 at the yeah...I think it'll be okay?

Now usually when I'm freaking out like this...I figure stuff out by time guides. Writing down the time and then writing down everything I need to get done within that time frame. However, that isn't just the case. I also need a list of what I'm gonna need for Cosplay, the dance at detour, the party rooms, comfy clothes for the ride there and back, and regular stuff for sleeping and being clean. PLUS the money, my cell phone, the's just a big medieval mess!! (10 points if you got that Disney reference)

And usually I just write down the lists...but lately I feel that when I write them out, it's too messy and gross looking. So I've been trying to find some websites that allow you to make lists...BUT they're all to do lists or bucket lists!! That isn't what I need!!

The internet is infinite and I can't even get a template for a regular list. How sad is that.

Well..that's my anime detour rant. Moving on to the next thing! 

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