Friday, April 5, 2013

Episode II

So, Episode don't worry, no such thing as Jar Jar Binks in my blog. Today, I spent two hours staring at a research paper trying to read it and edit it for one of my classmates. We were supposed to have at least 22 pages done, he had 4 1/2 pages. I had 23, which I got done last night...and due to circumstances with printers being shitty, I had to wait until this morning to print it. For those of you who do not like reading, writing, or not become a history major. My head feels as though it is about to explode.

At the moment, I am playing facebook games. You know those seek and find games? Yeah, I'm addicted at the moment. Especially to this one called Relic Quest...I like it because you get to create your own museum as you play the game, and since I want to work in a museum, I figure it's great practice.  (That's a joke by the way, I realize a game cannot even come close)

This post belongs in the college file. For those of you who are in college, here's a little treat...

This website will get you to those extra words, or pages you need. Every 100 words you write, you will get a new picture of an adorable kitten. Incentive enough don't you think? 

For those of you who have not yet begun college, or are thinking about it, I suggest college. It's fun and the first few years are pretty tame. And don't be afraid that you don't know what you want to go have lots of time to actually think about it. Lots of people will try to rush you...don't listen to them. You've got time, think about it for a little while. I did not decide what I was going to do with college until after the first two years of college, and it still worked out for a 4 year degree.

For those of you who are in Nursing school...I commend you and wish you the heartiest of luck and prayer. You people are crazy and sleep deprived and honorable. However glad you may be that you are not having to write 22 page papers, I am glad that I do not have to go through all the stress of clinicals.

That's all the advice I have for now.

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